Jesse, the Solar Installer Certification Instructor, visited the site, and examined the system. My biggest surprise was that the licensed electricians who installed this system, and the people who trained them, were never certified. That explains why they were unable to plan for and calculate how to expand the system. There are only two certified solar installers in Northern MN. I was lucky to find an electrician with prior experience, since the cabin is in the middle of the wilderness. I had my plate full being assistant then lead General Contractor, Surveyor, Excavator, Mason, and Carpenter. Many talented and hard-working trades people worked with me and together. It is still the biggest challenge for the Owner and General Contractor to get a strong off-the-grid team together sharing the same vision: well driller, electrician, carpenter, architect, plumber, and HVAC professionals all have different goals.
The best news is that Jesse's plastic pointers hydrometer reads about 100 points higher than my two NAPA glass tube with rubber bulb hydrometers, all ignoring temperature compensation. That is the difference between a good battery and a bad one, so for the system of 16 batteries, it is a $12,000 question. Tomorrow I work with the high school's chemistry teacher, Todd, and his students to standardize a hydrometer, so that we know what the true specific gravities are. For lead-acid batteries, open vent, the best test is to apply a load, then to take the specific gravity, then to check the voltage.
Doug's System was installed by the best of Solar Installers in Northern MN: Conservation Technologies. He is also off-the-grid. He has 8 batteries, and at 20 months, had to replace 4. He thinks it is because the Outback charge controller cannot control whether of not an individual battery is overcharged, as it works with groups of 4 for a 24 volt system and 6 volt batteries. Doug's are sealed cell, so he must rely on the voltage to determine the health of the battery. Jesse does not like to do remote diagnosis, but suggested that the long cable length to the set of 4 batteries that has remained good is the reason for making 4 of the batteries go bad so quickly. There is less resistance to the batteries that went bad, since the cables to them were shorter. Doug will arrange the batteries differently.
Jesse suggested that I get the cables off the floor by building a shelf above the batteries below the inverter on the other side. It won't change the state of charge of the batteries, but will make it easier to take the specific gravities and water the cells.
It was difficult to design my battery room as information was not available. Dairy board works well to protect the wood from battery acid. Grainger has a watering plastic can with a spout you push into the cell. It stops adding water when the water level is one inch from the top. That saves to much time! Wish I had installed a SunTube for lighting. Because the batteries produce hydrogen gas when charging, I have a PowerVent on the ceiling that exhausts the gas, and can't have a light to switch on. The spark might light the gas. Wish I had a digital hydrometer. I've never seen one that is easy to read. Wish I had a rubber apron. I've wrecked to many clothes. I wear the clothes with holes in them now when I take the Specific Gravities. I always wear plastic glasses over my glasses. Wish they didn't get scratched so easily. Glad I had them on when my hydrometer exploded. Suddenly, the liquid traveled past the markers and up into the rubber bulb and the glass exploded. So now I push the liquid back when it is close to the edge of the bulb. The battery room should be lined in dairy board, then, unless there is something fireproof and acid proof at a reasonable cost.
Ideally the battery room never lets the batteries freeze, at least, never when they are not fully charged. Northern Tool sells the Solar Sheet, and Mother Earth News tells how to build one. It puts warm air into the room when the sun shines, without any fuel other than sunshine. That might have saved my batteries. The one Northern Tool sells comes with a PV panel and fan and thermostat, so it requires no wiring. Just two 5" holes in the wall, and secure the solar thermal panel to the outside of the wall. A company in MN makes a Solar Furnace that requires electricity, and that the siding be removed where it is installed. I'd like to see Btu comparisons. The Millennial House in Duluth had something like that in 2000, but they refused to release the data. I designed and built my home expecting to install something like that. The foundation walls on the south sides have an extra layer of block, to support the extra weight. So far, I don't know the best way to keep the battery room from freezing, if no one is home.